Hi! I am 51, healthy and on no meds. A bit overweight by about 25 lbs. but still walk and golf and pretty much anything I want to do with my husband, family and twenty something year old kids. Every so often, as I can t determine what I m eating or doing that may cause this, my actual stomach, not intestinal area, begins to cramp up into a ball, you can actually see it, and I can t seem to breathe well for about 15 minutes. The loss of breathe seems stress from the pain level and simply standing stooped over until it goes away. Maybe the shallow breathing is because my stomach is in full cramp. It releases just like a leg cramp does and is gone in about 15 minutes, before I can even get to the doc or ER to try and find out what s happening. I ve had it happen maybe 10 times in the last year or so. It s not as scrary as it was when my husband called an ambulance the first time it happened. I thought I might me dying....ha! Trying not to diagnose myself to you but thought of gall bladder as I have several gall stones, they said, when I made the trip a year or so ago in the ambulance. Right before I reached the hospital, my stomach released and I was just like new.....felt as though I needed to tell the EMTs that I wasn t just looking for attention since my whole family and several neighbors showed up with the ambulance at my home. My BP was my normal 105/75 by the time we reached the ER. Tests at the hospital showed that my gallbladder was not sick but I did have gallstones . The doc said I should be in allot of pain that wouldn t go away and pushing in on my side in some agony of sort if my gallbladder had ruptured. This seems to be my stomach only and is the whole stomach area and not on just one side. I also have a small hiatal hernia, I think it s at the base of my esophagus and didn t know it was there but seemed not to be a factor to them either. I was told I may have a bit of acid reflux as well. Was hoping maybe you have been through it with a patient (no one I know and have asked has had this type of cramp thing going) and can simply say what you think it may be. Not afraid of going to the doc or hospital again to find out but no real diagnosis was made the last time this happened. It happened today as I was trying on swimsuits at a department store. It took 14 minutes to let go at which time I m in a full beaded sweat and feeling like 5 more minutes I just may begin to cry and crawl instead of walk. I had just eaten about 20 minutes earlier at our favorite Chinese buffet. I don t have bowel problems or heartburn much. I just can t figure this thing out but is certainly odd to have happen. Thanks so much for taking your time to read and respond. Lynn Nash