Hello. My 32-year old brother in law was rushed to hospital less than 72 hrs ago with gcs of 6 on arrival. He was admitted to icu with diagnosis of bacterial meningitis and they medically induced
coma. His fever has come down to normal. His WBC count is 27 down from 30. All organs, BP, HR, O2
sats are ok. They are trying to wake him every 4
hrs. So far he is not respondingto verbal commands.
He fights hard to get out of bed and has to be
restrained by 4 people. There is encephalitis, some
sepsis and swelling of posterior brain. What is his
prognosis? How long can we expect him to have to
remain medically induced? What could it mean if his
eyes deviate to the right when they try to bring him
out? He is about 60 hours post admission remaining stable without any apparent deterioration - is death still a possible/likely outcome? How long until the delirium should subside and we can see some changes when they bring him out. The strain by the way is pneumococcal. Thank you.