My son is 4 about to be five. He has had a chronic bad cough for about two weeks or so. Last sunday I took him to the er becauase he was coughing so bad and running a fever. He did not have strep or the flu, his chest sounded clear and his ears were good. Friday, yesterday he had his wellness check up with his family doctor and he checked out good again. But, for about 9 days now he has been tired off and on, no fever some moments of the da, but after every nap he wakes up with a fever and has a fever at night. His cough is so hard his chest is aching and he has not eaten much in the last 5 or so days. Just a lttle bit more information, he had his third set of ear tubes put in during thanksgiving break and at the same time he had his tonsils and aedonoids out??????????