Thank you for your query.
headaches that is unusual or not relieved with the usual medications needs to evaluated by a doctor through detailed physical examination.
* how old are you? male or female
* do you have any other medical issues or take any medications?
* do you have prescription glasses? have you checked the power recently?
* do you have any other symptoms like fever, headache, nausea, vomiting?
* if you throw up, does it relieve your headache?
* any
sinusitis, cold?
* how is your urine and stools?
I recommend:
- a physician consult
- an ophthalmologist consult
ct scan of the brain , if clinically indicated
- blood tests (
complete blood count)
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis , if required
increased intracranial pressure, eye trouble, sinusitis can all cause unrelenting headaches. certain migraines can present like this too.
Please see your doctor asap,
Hope this helps.
Wish you good health