Hi, About 3 months ago I had a UTI which grew a proteus mirabilis culture. I was initially taking macrobid but was switched to cipro when my doctor got the results. After finishing the round of antibiotics i was getting pains in my lower back. I went to emergency but no sign of the UTI tracking to my kidney. In fact my urine was clear. Since then, the pains in my lower back spread to sharp pains in my abdomen, down my groin as well as pins and needles in my hands and feet. I ve done a colonoscopy, MRIs of my cervical, middle, and lower spine, an endoscopy, a pelvic ultrasound and abdominal ultrasound which are all clear. Most recently the symptoms have increased to paresthesia all around the body including face and throat, and occasional stabbing pains around the body. I have been otherwise healthy before this started and doctors are stumped. Any ideas?