I’ve been having severe pain/ spasms in my right lower back, right above by right butt cheek. I had a work injury back in 2009 that caused a lot of nerve damage in my right extremity, neck and shoulder. I am on OxyContin and oxycodone for pain control. My physiatrist has tried all kinds of other meds with me but unfortunately, I can’t tolerate them!! Lyrica, Baclofen, Neurontin, all of which made me unable to function. I was then diagnosed with fibromyalgia. He , The physiatrist tried putting me on Cymbalta. I believe that made me feel worse than any other medication I have tried. I recently lost my medical insurance related to a divorce. The only treatment I can get at the moment is anything related to workers compensation. Even though I know whatever I’m dealing with in my lower back is no doubt related to my injury, as it’s also on the right side, Comp will never agree to put it as a part of my case because it’s not part of my original complaint. I have such excruciating pain in my lower right back!! It started back in the Spring of 2017. I noticed numbness in my right leg which would be followed by pins and needles. Then I started feeling pain in my right thigh with started to radiate to my knee and then my ankle. In the past three months it has gotten worse , to the point of having difficulty walking, bending or just doing basic ADL’s. I am so frustrated!!! My daily pain meds aren’t touching the pain. I had a prescription in the past for Valium for spasms that had been occurring in my neck. ( I have had 2 cervical fusions in the past) . I had seven surgeries on my right side in total; 2 fusions, 2 ulnar decompressions, 1 carpal tunnel decompression and 2 shoulder repairs. Now I’m dealing with this excruciating pain. I have some Flexaril 10 mg that I had also taken on the past but I didn’t like taking meds that made me feel so lethargic!!! I’m desperate for some relief at this point. I’m considering trying to see if this will give me any relief. I have never been in a position where I cannot go to the doctor for lack of medical insurance. I don’t even know what I’m dealing with as well. It almost feels like nerve pain or a severe spasm!! Please advise!!! # insomuchpain....