hi sir/mam,your symptoms point at
PLANTAR FASCIITIS.it is an inflammation of plantar fascia that causes pain in sole of foot especially at the heel.pain is maximum after rising from prolonged sitting and getting up from sleep.the causes /risk factors are:
1)prolonged standing
2)in runners
3)trauma to foot
as you dont have any history of trauma,we can rule out a
fracture.diabetics are more prone to plantar fasciitis.so kindly have your blood sugar(fasting,post prandial) checked.before mentioning the treatment,let me give you some recommended precautions as follows:
1)Wear shoes with adequate
arch support and cushioned heels; discard old running shoes and wear new ones.
2)Avoid long periods of standing.do not exercise on hard surfaces and also avoid walking bare footed on hard surfaces.
3)Avoid high-impact sports that require a great deal of jumping (eg,
aerobics and volleyball).
now the following are the treatment modalities:
1)regular icing especially at the end of the day or after any strenous activity or exercise.
2)rest though not complete,at least avoiding long distance walking and exercise.
3)pharmacologic therapy includes NSAIDs like
ibuprofen for pain relief.corticosteroid injection is only a last resort if all the measures fail.
4)orthoses would help a lot and are available over the counter.if the pain is severe,you can also opt for night splints.
5)last but not the least is
physical therapy that includes stretching,strenghtening exercises under the guidance of a trained physiotherapist.
most of the times,plantar fascitis is a self limitting condition that may take several weeks or even months for pain relief.so please bear with patience and a positive attitude.most of my patients are leading a symptomp free life after medical management.only if the above all measures fail(uncommon)you can go for surgery.hope my answer,though exhaustive,covered all the aspects as you would expect to hear from me.any further queries are welcome.thank you.take care.bye.