I have a terrible stiffness in my right shoulder. It REALLY gets my attention when I rub or, move it the wrong way. I have a total left knee replacement also, I have my right hip replaced three(3) times in a span of seven (7) months. 1. The first knee replacement was by my choice. 2. The second was due to fall off the second step of a 2 step student ladder...... My hip broke in the exact place the original devise had been place an, shattered my femur? My original orthopedic surgeon was in the middle of a procedure and could not leave the O.R. so, one of his partners scrubbed (I hope) to repair damage! After 2-3 days or surgery it was discovered that I had contracted MERSA through the lack of scrubbing the operative site. 3. I had to have additional hip surgery to remove the MERCA contamination. 800 cc was removed from the broom Handle .i ] was sent home with a Gentiva Nurse /Occupational making regular calls to drag blood and it send back to the lab in effort to red the results hoping one would work and we reduce the MERSA. I stayed at home for 6 weeks taking prescribed antibiotics. I reacted to Several antibiotics. We were attempting to eradicate MERSA. I have had 3 heart caths, i have one stint1