Hello, for about 3 months now Ive had constant shortness of breath. its when i inhale, not exhale. Ive also been getting a dry cough that comes and goes. If I do anything mild or moderate(like carrying my 2 year old) it worsens. In the last three months I ve been in the hospital 7 times for this. They say anxiety and send me on my way. I ve had several chest xrays and ekg s . I ve had a stress test, pulmonary lung test and sleep study. Apparently i do have sleep apnea, but no one can explain the constant shortness of breath. Seems like my stomach is in knots a lot, also pain that in random places usually on the left side of my stomach. Chest pain periodically. I m 37 yr old male. Please help because I m miserable every day. I feel like i cant do anything with my family anymore.