You had operated for
gall bladder disease and
kidney disease .
E C G din't show any abnormality i.e no heart problem .
Still you are having that something is stuck in chest or
esophagus , desire to burp , but not success.
Such type of symptoms in this condition may be due to these reasons , these include.
1 Hyper tension , as E C G didn't show any abnormality but in spite of this hyper tension may be the cause of such symptoms . Diagnosis can be confirmed by examination at the time of such symptoms and otherwise also .
2 Hyper acidity or
gastritis may be the another reason of such symptoms . Do as try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches with blocks . It might also help to avoid drinking or eating for 2 hours before you lie down. To control stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates or spicy or greasy foods. Also take some
antacid but if desire of burp is severe you may need drugs like pantaloc-d once or twice in a day .
3 Over eating is one more cause so try to avoid over eating if any.
4 Tension or
anxiety are another reasons , so please also be careful.
Hope this information will be helpful for you.
Good luck.