Your report suggests semen infection.Infection is indicated by presence of excessive pus cells in semen.
Semen infection may be due to UTI or
Infection is indicated by presence of excessive pus cells in semen.
You need proper clinical examination and further investigations.
You need routine hemogram,RBS,culture and sensitivity of semen,colour doppler of
Proper antibiotics depend upon culture and sensitivity report.
Rest of the findings like
sperm count,motility,liquefaction time and morphology of sperms are normal.
70 millions/ml sperm count is normal.Normally sperm count should be at least 20 millions/ml.
Motility should be at least 55 %.You have 70 % motility.
At least 16 % sperms should have normal morphology for normal fertilization.You have 95 % normal forms.
Get well soon.
Take Care
Dr.Indu Bhushan