All of a sudden this evening a mole on my face, just below my left eye got swollen, almost looking like a blood blister. The mole is normally symmetrical, uniform in color and slightly smaller than a pencil eraser. It was checked about 2 years ago, no concerns expressed, just instructed to monitor. I only noticed the swelling when looking in the mirror. It was not tender, itching or painful. I would not describe the mole as firm or hard both now or previously. I have an appointment with my derm first thing Tuesday. Of course this comes up on a 3-day weekend. Skin cancer runs in my family, so I m freaking out a bit. Looking for some thoughts what it could be other than melanoma, which is the first thing that pops up when you do an internet search for mole with blood blister . I am a 34 year old male and father of two young children (2 and 5). I have had several benign growths removed from my back in the past. Amy reassurance is appreciated. Regardless the derm is my first stop on Tuesday AM.