Hi Dr. I had a fall and fractured my 4th and 5th metarsals near the neck? of my left foot. This occurred on 10/10/17. To date, I have been wearing a cam-boot and have been trying about 80% of the time to be non-weight bearing on left foot. There is still bruising although it is going away slowly, but the swelling in the left foot continues. It really has not subsided all the much. I had no injury to my shin, but in the last 48 hours, the shin area, along with my left foot are very swollen. This is the first occurrence of swelling in the left shin also. I have been prescribed Naproxen, 500 mg 1-2x daily with food. I have been taking at least one daily. I also have taken Excedrin, and pain med acetaminophen/COD (300/60). Since my injury, on 10/10, I have taken 10 of a 30 pill script, as I did not have too much pain. But yesterday, I took the Naproxen, the pain med, and Trazadone 200 mg to sleep. Do you have any advice for me as to what is causing this recent swelling? Should I just ice and elevate? Are the symptoms more serious that I should call my doctor for an appt. ASAP? Thank you very much for your professional assistance regarding my injury. Added note, I am 63 yrs. of age, female, Caucasian, and thin, with beginning signs of osteopenia, which Evista & Fossum are prescribed for treatment. Thank you once more. Mari Cali