Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1. As there is a history of dribbling and inability to close the mouth, it could probably be Bell's palsy [LMN type of facial palsy] and because it is diagnosed clinically thus
consult a Neurologist for relevant examination [testing of individual muscles of face] along with taste sensation, plantar response,
corneal reflex and examination of respective or affected cranial nerve(s).
PS. Other causes which can mimic bell's palsy and thus have to be excluded are:
. Sarcoidosis.
Parotid Tumor.
Herpes zoster infection.
- Middle ear disease
- exposure to cold or chill predisposes to bell's palsy [so the history of traveling might be there]
2. If the causes mentioned are excluded then management followed is:
- eye padding and
local antibiotic drop.
- proper mouthwash is advised after each meal.
- gentle massage over the paralyzed muscle is advised.
- Facial exercise is advised. [one may consult a Physiohterapist]
- parenteral vitamin B1, B6 and B12 may be given.
i. Bell's palsy usually recovers [70 - 80%] spontaneously within 2-12 weeks
ii. recently, Acyclovir is tried with proven results.
iii. If not improved at all- surgical decompression may be done.