I have a 23 year old son, he has been sick all of his life. He has primary heart block and has had a pacemaker frost of his life. He has asthma and ADHD. He was diagnoised with Bi-Polar when he was 13. He has had multiple surgeries and hospital stays. In the last year he has been very sick with multiple symptoms. Muscle fatigue, joint pain, pain in his stomach, migraines and most importantly Elevated WBC! He has had 3CT scans, ultra sounds, colonoscopy, endoscope and gluten work up. All negative, except the WBC. He will go for weeks with chronic diarrhea then it will switch to vomiting 10-12 times a day. This week it landed him in the hospital for dehydration. His intetern doc and the Er doc want him to see the oncology hemotologistm. Several of his symptoms are consistent with leukemia . His blood count is 17,000. It has gone up since last wk. he has had 7 blood work ups over the course of the last year. Could it e something other than cancer? They have ruled out many other things.