I had my thyroid removed 6 months ago due to hyperthyrodism. I have a history of cardiomegaly, afib, high blood preassure and other arythmias. I am 43 years old, female and my doctors assumed my heart condition was due to my thyroid condition. I've had a cardioversion done after the surgery and it worked for about a week. I am on Amiadorone 200mg twice a day, Atenolol 50mg once a day, Levothyroxine 137mc once a day. I was on coumadine for 3 months after surgery but not now. After six months my afib has returned with a vengence. I feel like my doctors are taking my age for granted and my concerns are not being taken seriously. When I spend a day doing normal activities I get a night of blood pressure 156/108 and a resting heart rate of 180. I feel like an 80 year old. Please advice.