4 days ago, I was hit in the head at school (8th grade) by a kid with a laptop. I immediately was thrown to the ground (as well as my glasses) and the nurse gave me ibuprofen but didn t say anything about it could be a concussion. I haven t really had any other symptoms except a almost unnoticeable headache when i do stuff like walking or watching TV. But I have hit my head really hard 2 other times, one I wasn t paying attention and hit a pole. The other was at a pep rally, I was kind of running up the steps to my seat and hit a really low basketball goal, and had a severe headache for the rest of the day. I never went to a doctor for these because my parents kept saying its okay and if i persisted in asking to go to a doctor, they would get angry. I have something called visual snow syndrome, which basically I see static, floaters, slight double vision on words and lights, starbursts. I also feel/hear a crackiling in my head, like a joint popping when I turn my head sometimes. I have a neurology appointment scheduled in about 3 weeks for a MRI scan, but I m scared if I have serious problems they will just get worse. I ve even got suicidal over this, and my parents say I m obsessing if I bring it up. I just don t see how 3 blows to the head within 7 months is healthy.