my 12 year old adopted daughter is Epileptic and ADHD. She takes Depakote, Clonodine, Vyvanse, and Zoloft. Recently, she had a bad stomach virus and they took an xray to rule out appendix. When the xray came back negative for appendix, there was an inadvertent finding of an enlarged liver measuring at least 20.8 cm. We have been referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist later this month. In the meantime, the pediatrician ordered labs and ultrasound. Lab results show a Alk. Phos of 227, Coatinine of .36, and Glucose of 108. Her MCH was flagged as high, RDW flagged as low, and leukocyte was flagged as low. I am really scared and not even sure what might be going on. What might these things mean?