CT Whole Abdomen - Contrast (Non Ionic Contrast) The examination was conducted on a 128 slice multidetector CT (MDCT) scanner. Clinical history: CECT done to rule out recurrent ventral hernia. Small midline ventral hernia is present. Neck of hernia is wide and it approximately measures 4.7 cm and content of hernia is omental fat, part of loop of small bowel. There is associated well circumscribed non enhancing low density cystic lesion adjacent to the ventral hernia in the subcutaneous fat plane, measuring approximately 10.7-AP x 11.4-TR x 10.7-SI cm. There is minimal perilesional stranding of fat plane. The liver is normal in size, contour and attenuation. No obvious focal hepatic parenchymal lesion is seen. The intrahepatic biliary radicles are not dilated. Portal vein is normal in calibre. Gall bladder shows normal distensibility and wall thickness. No radio opaque calculus is seen. CBD is normal. Pancreas is normal in size, attenuation and contour with no obvious focal lesion. No mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy is seen. Spleen is normal in size and attenuation. Bilateral adrenals appear normal. Bilateral kidneys are normal in position, size and attenuation. No evidence of hydronephrosis / ureteric dilatation is seen on either side. Subcentimeter sized cortical cyst is noted in left kidney. Stomach is normal. C loop of duodenum and DJ are defined. Small & large bowel loops are unremarkable. I.C. junction is normal. Urinary bladder is normal in distensibility and wall thickness. Uterus and bilateral adnexae are unremarkable. Tiny calcific focus is present in posterior uterine myometrium. No evidence of free fluid is seen in abdomen & pelvis. Bones under vision appear normal. Sections through lower chest show normal basal lung parenchyma. �