Hi, I am 57 years Indian Female. I am doing my Annual health check up for last three years. Below are some variation in my report this year, with respect to normal range. Could you please share your advise regarding this: 1. E.C.G - Sinus Bradycardia(except this normal study. Same is there in report for last three years). 2. Stool Routine - Mucus and Vegetable cells found. 3. Glucose Fasting - 102 mg/dl (in 2018) 105 mg/dl (in 2017) 103 mg/dl (in 2016) Glucose pp is within normal range. 4. HDL Cholesterol: 39 mg/dl(it is always below normal range for last three years) 5. CHOL HDL ratio: 2.9 6. Bilirubin - 1.2 mg/dl 7. SGPT/ALT - 36 U/L(2017 - 41 U/L) 8. Prolactin - 3.55 ng/ml 9. Neutrophils - 64% (61% - in 2017) 10. MCHC - 32.3 gm/dl 11. ESR, EDTA whole blood - 1st hour : 21 mm/hr(32 mm/hr in 2017) 12. Urnine Routine: Specific gravity - 1.010, Protein Trace found, Scanty Micro Organism found. History: I had a right ovarian cyst removal in the year 2016. Also when I had my health check up in 2016, I had a elevated LDL Cholesterol and Trygliceride, so I take cholesterol medicine(Rosuvas 10) and also Stamlo 2.5 (to control blood pressure), Also TSH was 8.4 microIU/ml on 2016, so I take Eltroxin 25 and half of 12.5.