Thanks for contacting with the health assessment of your father and one may reverse the atheroscerotic blocks or develop good collateral circulation by adopting a good dietary regime and certain lifestyle modification.
1. Heart is supplied by three main coronary arteries and depending upon the narrowing they are classified as single/double/
triple vessel disease, and in your case all three are narrowed causing occlusion to blood flow and resulting
chest pain and
shortness of breath which puts you in category of IHD ischaemic heart disease) or CAD (
coronary heart disease)
2. Although one may undergo a definitive procedure like
Angioplasty or
bypass surgery but some patient may remain under medical treatment for reasons like:
. patient may not afford sugery
. patient may refuse invasive surgery
. patient may be unfit for surgery,so irrespective of the reason one may follow the five step approach to the disease:
a. Exercise
. Brisk walking for 45 minutes every day, atleast 5 days a week
. Yogasanas to relax and stretch various muscles and should be learnt under the guidance of an expert.
b. Stress Management
Meditation for 15 minutes everyday
. Learn to live with a relaxed mind
. One may take help of a suitable guide or course for learning the techniques of stress management.
c. Low fat diet
Avoid: butter,ghee,cheese,unskimmed milk, saturated oils,oil seed nuts,deep fried foods, egg,red meat,alcohol,caffeine,tobaacco, marbled beef,hamburger & sausages.
Take: more of soup (without butter), plenty of salads of uncooked or boiled vegetables, raw sprouted pulses, more of bhajia prepared with minimum or no oil,roti or phulka,pulses & legumes,skimmed milk, margarine (instead of butter), onion, garlic, soybean,curd of skimmed milk,apple, increase fibre intake.
d. Elimination of known risk factors
. Smoking
. Weight reduction (if obese)
. Control Diabetes
. Avoid mental strains
e. Drugs
. keep vasodilator tablets at hand: in the bedroom,bathroom,at the office,in travel kits etc. It is also very important that the relatives know where the tablets will always be found in case of emergency.