Hi & Welcome to HCM.
It's suggestive of
latent syphilis (a
sexually transmitted disease).
Latent infections (i.e., those lacking clinical manifestations) are detected by serologic testings like "reactive VDRL" and "positive" TPHA.
Once known about having Syphilis, it is mandatory to a quantitative test with RPR test before going for treatment. That will indicate that you are getting better with treatment or got cured by follow up investigation after the treatment.
The treatment depends upon the duration of infection.
Three doses of long acting Benzathine penicillin G (2.4 million units administered intramuscularly) at weekly intervals is recommended for individuals with late latent syphilis or latent syphilis of unknown duration.
If it is within two years one injection is sufficient.
RPR titre should decline following adequate treatment and becomes non-reactive within a year in early syphilis and may be delayed in
late syphilis.
VDRL also usually stays positive even after treatment, except in cured infections where it may spontaneously become negative after many years. VDRL negativity implies that you presently don't have the infection, & probably was treated adequately in the past.
TPHA once positive may remain positive for ever even after a complete cure from the disease.
If your immigration test includes TPHA test it is very difficult to get an immigration clearance for your Gulf job in that case you may produce a certificate from your treating doctor as a proof of treatment which might be required or considered by your employees abroad.
I would advise you to have un-natural sexual relations, get married and have a normal healthy relations with your wife.
Best wishes.