Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
The following interpretations can be done based on the report you have furnished.
1. GGT with 133 and 148 U/L is about 3 fold higher than normal range.
ALT with 61 U/L is about 2 fold higher than normal range.
3. CK with 211 U/L marginally higher than normal.
4. Vitamin D levels with 14.52 mg/mL lower than normal.
5. RBC count of 4.46 million cells/ul is borderline lower than normal.
Hemoglobin (HGB) levels with 13.5 g/dl is borderline lower than normal.
Hematocrit (HCT) of 40.3% is borderline lower than normal.
Hence, there is an evidence of
liver enzyme increase, possibly due to hepatocellular damage and low Vitamin D levels with borderline decrease in hemoglobin content indicating mild
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.