I am a 24 year old female suffering from PCOD. After the consultation with doctor long time now she given me 5 days tablets. And did 4 folliclular study . 1st was on A)11th day of cycle, Rt Ovary folllicles- 10.5, 7.5, ET mm- 4.4, Lt ovary- 8.5,7.5,7,.5 B)14th day Rt Ovary- 15.5, Et Mm - 5.8 , left- small C) 18th day Rt Ovary - 24 Et mm 9.6 and doctors given me Beta Hcg 5000 unit on that same date and told me to try for the baby and come back on 22nd the day for another follicular study. I went on 22nd day, and result are, Rt Ovary- CL, ETmm- 12.3. and told me that the follicle ruptured and keep trying. Also she prescribed me susten SR 300 tablets (10 nos). I just want to know the uses of this tablets and the chances of my pregnancy