I can understand your problem and thank you for asking the question. Coming to your lab reports,
glucose level is borderline, which needs to be repeated and this time i advise you to repeat the blood glucose after 12 hours of fasting and then take 75g of glucose load immediately and take another sample after 2 hours. these two samples will correctly tell your actual glucose level in blood.
Coming to your
lipid profile, your
total cholesterol level is absolutely normal, while your Triglycerides level is high, but again this may be due to
random sample, so again you should repeat the lipid profile after 12 hours of fasting which will correctly give your lipid values. HDL is slightly high and its called good cholesterol, so you need not to worry about that, in fact its a good indicator that your health is good.
AST & ALT levels are absolutely normal. these are mainly for liver disorders, so your liver is functioning absolutely normal.
Urea &
Creatinine levels are also normal, which indicates good
kidney function.
So in the end, i would recommend you to repeat the fasting glucose and lipid profile after 12 hours of complete fasting to rule out any chances of
diabetes, otherwise your health is very good, so keep on doing your routine regularly.