How do you determine risk for cardio problems when the advanced cholesterol testing (Cardio IQ(R) Advanced Lipid Panel & Inflamation Panel) show some aspects indicating results are optimal and others show hi risk? LDL small particle was optimal at 128, LDL medium at 237 was moderate, large particle HDL was hi risk at 5084 (less than 6996), LDL particle # was hi at 1612, LDL pattern was pattern A which is optimal, total cholesterol hi, LDL hi, HDL LO RISK, Triglycerides low, ratio 4.2 (less than 5), hs CRP WAS 1.5, non HDL cholesterol was221. Are any of these figures to be considered more predictive? When some things show low risk and others moderate or hi risk or optimal; how do you determine if you need intervention or not?