Hello dear
Understand your concern
Compare your
semen analysis with normal semen report
Ejaculate volume: 2 to 6 mL ____________2.0____Normal
Color: grayish to white__________________whitis___normal
Sperm count:20-150 million/ml____80____normal
Morphology:>4 %_________________75%_____normal
Active motile sperm : 50% motile at one hour after ejaculation_65__normal
Pus cell: up to 5 ____________15-20____definitely infection
So your semen count, morphology and motility is absolutely normal.
But high pus cell suggests infection. So first you have to treat the infection and then you can be a father.
Consult the
urologist and get the done semen culture and color doppler of USG to find the site and type of infections.
It should be treated by specific antibiotic according to culture report and anti-inflammatory drug.Always take the complete dose and treatment of antibiotic
Drink plenty of waters, take high protein diet and diet rich in
vitamin E,C A, zinc and
magnesium. Do regular exercise for 45-60 minutes.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar