Hello dear
I understand your concern
Compare your semsn analysis with normal semsn analysis:
Liquifaction time: 20-30 minutes__________40 __slight increased
Colour: whitis to grey___________________white__normal
Ph: > 7________________________________8__normal
Ejaculate volume: 2 to 6 mL ____________2.5____Normal
Sperm count/concentration:20-150 million/ml____30___normal
Total motility: > 40%____________20+35=55______normal
Morphology: >30 %______________45 _____normal
WBC: 1-2/hpf_______________________normal
Your parameter is normal except slight increase in liquefaction time.
I would suggest to consult the
urologist and go for semen culture, USG pelvis and urine report to find any hidden infections and defect in accessory sexual gland.
Doctor will give following advises:
stress and do regular exercise like walking and
Take healthy diet: fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, Almonds.
smoking, alcohol and spicy/fatty food.
Drink plenty of water.
Tablet gonadil F and Co Q will help.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar