Hello dear
I understand your concern
Compare your
semen analysis with normal semen analysis:
Color: greyish to white___________normal
Ph: > 7____________________alkaline__normal
Liquefaction time:15-60 minutes______normal
Count:(5th – 95th percentile): 15 – 213 million per ml____69__normal
Motility:(5th – 95th percentile): 40 – 78%____55_____normal
Volume:(5th – 95th percentile): 1.5 – 6.8 mL__________adequate
Morphology: (5th – 95th percentile): 4 – 44%__________60__normal
PUS cell: upto 5 cell/hpf________0-2____normal
RBC: nil_________________nil________normal
So your semen report is completely normal
stress, take healthy diet, drink plenty of water and do regular exercise
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar