Patient : SIPRA RANI DAM Patient ID p0000 Six F Age (y/M/D): 40 Vist Date 23/6/15 Report Date 23/06/15 Ref. By AK Das, DGO MS Lower Abdomen Uterus: Anterverted bulky uterus, with lobulated margins (L: 12.46cm, T: 7.15cm, AP: 5.28cm).Homogeneous Myometrium; Multiple small periendometrial cysts in necklace fashion, cencircling endometrial cavity at lower segment. Averarage diameter of cyst 0.85cm. Endometrial thickness 1.12cm.Collapsed endometrial cavity. Mass effect absent. Adnexae: vol. of Rt. & Lt ovaries are respectively 5.09ml & 3.64ml. Both contain multiple immature follicles. Small cyst (D: 1.76 cm) in Rt. ovary. U- bladder: Contour normal; Intrinsic mass or calculus adsent. RUV: Insignificant. Impression: possible Adenomyosis of Uterus. Small Rt. ovarian cyst