hi tabbasum, dr.boskey gandhi is here, 1st I want to introduce you, different kinds of charbies, which is called in our language as a
lipids. in our body 3 kinds of lipids: cholesterol, triglycerides, & apolipoprotein a1 & b.cholesterol is also sub devided in to good (
hdl)&bed (
ldl).as u had not mention value of triglycerides, but if it high, means high lipid in blood, so 1st u should do
total cholesterol with apo a1&b,homocystein test ,which is called as extensive
lipid profile. its advice to your mother because she is near about 50yrs, with 140/90b.p which is slightly higher. so work out 1st, &then start treatment according to its results under guidance of good physicians with careful diet, .so take care of your mom, .