Thanks for posting in HCM.
The following things can be inferred from the
ultrasound scan report you have furnished.
BPD of 42.4 mm is less as it should be 46 mm.
2. FL of 26.2 mm is less as it should be 30 mm.
3. AC of 132 mm is less as it should be 141 mm.
4. Fetal weight of 238 grams is fine as it should be 240 grams.
5. Grade 1 maturity of placenta is fine and
amniotic fluid is adequate.
Since the attachment of placenta is posterior and lower margin is close to the internal os (opening), doctor has advised rest. Also, development of fetus appears to be slightly small for
gestational age.
Kindly take all the precautions as advised by the doctor. Keep your nutrition good and drink good quantity of fluids.
Hopefully, it should pick up by the next scan during second and third trimester.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.