good day! I m Dang 25 yrs.old and my ultrasound diagnosis says BPD 83mm corresponding to 33 weeks and 2 days AOG, HC 295mm corresponding to 32 weeks and 4 days AOG, AC 292mm corresponding to 33 weeks and 1 day AOG, FL 64mm corresponding to 32 weeks and 6 days AOG. Good fetal somatic motion and cardiac activity are noted. fetal heart rate is 139 bpm. No gross fetal abnormality is seen, Amniotic Fluid is Adequate (AFI = 13.6 cm), Placenta is anterior - superior, grade 2. Biophysical profile: AFV 2/2, Fetal tone 2/2, fetal breathing 2/2, fetal movement 2/2 total= 8/8, Impression: Single live fetus in cephalic presentation, with composite age of gestation of 32-33 weeks based on size, normohydramnios, EFW = 2105grams, EDD = 11/5/2017. Doc is that ok? I m sorry if my query is too long, I m just worried. please let me understand the result. thank you.