Hello dear
Understand your concern
Compare your
semen analysis with the normal semen analysis.
Liquifaction time: 20-30 minutes__________2 hour __increased
Ph : >=7.2 ________________________________normal
Ejaculate volume: 2 to 6 mL ____________0.5____abnormal
Total Sperm count:40-300 million________25 million__abnormal
Active motile sperm : 50% motile at one hour after ejaculation__but you have total motility 12% suggest very low motility of sperm.
Morphology : > 4 %_________________55%____normal
Pus cell: Up to 5__________________10-12______abnormal
RBC: none_________________________2-3 abnormal__breakage in blood testis barrier.
So I feel very bad about your semen analysis.
You have
low sperm count, low volume, high liquefaction time, RBC and pus cell suggests,
Abnormality in male accessory gland like
seminal vesicle, infection (in prostate,testis seminal vesicle etc.)
Go for
testosterone to know the status of hormone.
So yes you have to consult the
urologist and go for color doppler of testis and penile area, Blood PSA, reproductive hormone analysis, sperm culture.
Doctor may provide following advice:
antibiotic, clomiphene citrate, co Q, mutivitamin, high protein diet, diet rich in zinc and magnesium.
Hope this may help you And
Contact the HCM for further questions
Best regards
Dr. Sagar