I got my sperm count tested twice, i got two different reports, one shows sperm count 1.5 million and other 15 million, can there be such diff in two reports, the time gap in tests was 25 days. My detailed report of sperm analysis, plz tell me can i be a father, and if it is treatable? I M worried plz suggest me asap.
Physical examination
volume 3.7ml, color grayish white, qualification within 30 minutes, viscosity normal
chemical examination
Reaction alkaline, fructose normal.
Sperm count & vitality
Sperm count 1.50, per ejacuate- 5.55ml, Vitality 80%
Grade A=0, Grade B= 55%, Grade C= 15% Grade D= 30%
Sperm morphology
Normal =80%, abnormal head=10%, Abnormal Tail=5% abnormal neck 5%
other findings
Immature germ cell present, pus cell 2-4/hpf
debris= absent, aggutination absent, red blood cells occational.
2 nd report
sperm count 15 million
grade a 25%
grade b 60%
c 15%
volum 2.0ml