Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of the pelvic ultrasound is as follows:
The uterus shows a baby with breech or feet at the lower pole of the uterus.
The spine of the baby lies parallel to the long axis of the uterus.
An abnormality is detected in the
lumbar spine of the baby-
spina bifida.
Spina bifida is compatible with life.
The defect in spina bifida is that the outer covering of the spine is not closed.
A tuft of hair may be present is the point of opening of the
spinal cord.
One of the ventricles of brain (ventricle is a cavity in the brain which contains CSF) is dilated.
This dilatation can be due to increased pressure in the ventricles or increased amount of CSF in the ventricles.
gestational sac (sac containing the baby) has more amount of liquor or
amniotic fluid.
The baby's heart, limbs and kidneys are within normal limits.
There are some abnormalities on the ultrasound.
However, none of them are life threatening.
A consultation with your obstetrician is required for further assessment and correction of the abnormalities.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal