hi.there is my female relative,age 52yrs who has diabetes and hypertension for 10yrs.,she is experiencing bone pain for especially to heels and hip region for 3 months,she is having fatigue also,her labortary reprts shows hemoglobin 8,esr 95,creatinine 2.5,her ultrasound kub shows shrunken right kidney,and urinary bladder shows moving internal echoes,serum protein electrophoresis done which shows decrease in albumen to 43.8%,alpha 1 is 1.5%,alpha 2 is 14.8%,gamma is 25.7 elevated,proten A/G ratio is 0.89.....my relative consult many doctors.but no one reached to diagnosis as well..can anyone plz help to find the diagnosis and recomend appropriate treatment.