my ALT IS 108, AND AST IS 63 which is above then normal range , i had LFT test all are in normal range bil total -0.65 bil direct -0.10 bil indirect -0.55 GGTP-46 ALP-76 TOTAL PROTEIN -7.86 Albumin-5.00 A:G ratio -1.75 i have gas problem and too much fart, loss of appetite and feel heavy when eat chapati or non-veg,less aletness, low common sense,lazy , dry lips and little bit headache right now - i am taking Nusam -400 twice a day, medoscha gold, veloz -D what do to now ? i m 33 year, 80 kg, 5.8 tall, doctor told me it take 1 month to get it normal but after taking medicine i feel more worst than before, not consuming alcohol from last one month