My local GP (Australia) ordered I have an MRI after 2 lots of antibiotics and plenty of nurefin failed to stop persistent headaches associated with my left inner ear, top of neck region (left) and rear left of lower skull. Results read: No focal area of restricted diffusion. There are multiple periventricular high T2 weighted foci particularly towards the vertex on the left. These could be due to vascular disease (microangiopathy) but demyelination cannot be completely excluded. Ventricular size and sulcal pattern suggest a degree of antrophy perhaps slightly more than expected for age. No obvious space occupying lesion. No specific temporal lobe abnormality. Paranasal sinuses are clear. I am male, aged 60. My mother (age 81) has dementia, which she has had for probably a decade. She cannot remember what she was watching on tv once she leaves the room. She cannot hold conversations. I am an education professional, recently separated, of good health, told i look much younger than 60 (nice, eh?!), and generally have very good health. My hearing is slowly deteriorating (Dad, 81, has a cochlea ear and h/aid). I researched some of the Report s terms and see MS, Dementia, etc... I have an appointment to see a specialist neurologist, but would appreciate any comments from readers. Many thanks in anticipation!