Very painful left leg pain, through sciatic notch down left side of leg to the side of the knee, pain radiates to my calf, with my first second and third toe sensory numb (feels like I have five pair of socks over them) some weakness, feels like my nerve is being pulled out of my back, previous bilateral laminectomy at L4/L5 and L5/S1 bilateral in 2010. 2015 mri says L4-5 Disc bulge with superimposed central protrusion, facet joint arthropathy,mild right and moderate left neural foraminal stenosis without significant canal stenosis L5-S1 left foraminal disc protrusion, mild to moderate left nrural foraminal stenosis. And enhancement of the scar/granulation tissue in the surgery bed.. Please help me by explaining this, I don t see the neurosurgeon for almost a month.