Could you please tell me what all of this means in laymen terms, thanks in advance FINDINGS: Paravertebral soft tissues and paraspinous muscles show a unremarkable appearance. The conus is identified at the T12-L1 segment and shows normal signal intensity, contour and position. Lumbar vertebrae: Lumbar vertebrae show normal developmental morphology with anatomic configuration. Sagittal alignment shows preservation of the lumbar lordosis without evidence of any spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis. The medullary bone marrow signal intensity mild degenerative/reactive marrow endplate changes at the L4-5 segment with chronic degenerative endplate changes at the L5-S1 segment.. The visualized portion of the sacrum and sacroiliac joints are unremarkable. L5-S1 segment: The disc shows greater than 50% disc height loss with desiccation. Mild circumferential annular bulging is present extending into the caudal aspect of the foramina bilaterally. The annular bulging contacts the undersurface of the exiting L5 nerve root/ganglion without displacement or compression of the ganglion. The facet joints are unremarkable. L4-5 segment: The disc shows a preserved height with desiccation. Minimal foraminal bulging is present bilaterally but there is no significant central or foraminal stenosis. The facet joints are unremarkable. L3-4 segment: The disc shows preserved height with desiccation. The posterior disc margin is normal. Facet joints bilaterally show some mild articular cartilage loss. L2-3 segment: The disc shows preserved height and signal intensity within normal posterior disc margin. The facet joints show moderate articular cartilage loss with trace effusions. L1-2 segment: The day shows greater than 50% height loss with the posterior disc margin is normal. The facet joints are unremarkable T12-L1 segment: The disc is normal. IMPRESSION: 1. At the L5-S1 segment, there is advanced disc degeneration with mild annular bulging contributing to some mild foraminal narrowing but without evidence of any exiting L5 neural compression. 2. At the L4-5 segment, there is mild disc degeneration but there are associated mild degenerative/reactive endplate edema changes. 3. At the L3-4 segment, there is mild disc degeneration. There is accompanying mild facet arthrosis. 4. At the L1-2 segment, there is moderate to advanced disc degeneration but the posterior disc margin is normal. End of report.