Hello, what did this mean? FINDINGS: Mild prominence of the extra-axial spaces of the supratentorial brain possible degree of mild cortical atrophy. Ventricles are in the midline without mass effect, edema, hydrocephalus or midline shift. Supratentorial white matter changes are present which may relate to chronic end vessel ischemic change and/or history of demyelinating process or Lyme s disease or vasculitis.No restricted diffusion. No midline structural abnormality. No frank cerebellar tonsillar ectopia. Flow voids of the circle of Willis are present. Apparent ectatic vessels of the circle of Willis, correlate if patient has a history of hypertension. Nasopharyngeal soft tissues are symmetric. Bilateral globes are intact without proptosis. Opacifications of the bilateral ethmoid air cells. Mild circumferential mucous thickening both right and left maxillary sinus and more pronounced mild circumferential the study and bilateral sphenoid sinuses. Circumferential mucosal thickening of hypoplastic right frontal sinus and partial opacification both right and left frontal recess. Impression:Small supratentorial periventricular and subcortical nonspecific leuko-dystrophic plaques approximately 9 or 10 in number, recommend post gadolinium images of the brain and MRA circle of Willis given patient s history that there is ectasia regarding vessel circle of Willis Correlate if symptoms are referable to cervical radiculopathy as well.