HI, my name is Nancy, I m 69 yrs old, am somewhat active, working tartedtartedwith 2 high functioning Autistic children, parttime whch I enjoy, take some yoga classes, volunteer at the local hospital in between and belong to the city chorus. About a month ago, had one of my migraine headaches,maybe a slight headache and with the aura. Layed down and in about 10-15 min felt fine. About a few minutes later, I started to say something and for a few seconds could only say the first part of the word. Had an MRI and the final impression was SMALL REMOTE RIGHT CEREBELLAR INFARCTION IS PRESENT - LARGE INTRACRANIAL FLOW VOIDS ARE PRESENT. CONSISTENT WITH CHRONIC MICROANGIOPATHIC ISCHEMIC DISEASE. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS. I WAS TOLD BY MY DOCTORS THAT THE MRI WAS NORMAL. I M CONFUSED.