I have been diagnosed with non parathyroid hypercalcemia (PHT 14, calcium 10.8), glomuraler filatration rate has varied betrween 51 - 57.6. I was also told I have stage 3 kidney disease. 55 yr old, female, healthy, not a diabetic, definitely not overweight (5 10, 152lbs) and exercise intensely (cardio, weight lifting plyometrics) 6-7 days per week, 1 hr 45 min. History of Breast cancer in 2013 with bilateral mastectomy. Why the blood tests - I didn t feel good but I cannot pin point it, nausea, fatique, abdominal pain, flank pain R side (*kidney and bladder U/S normal), numb toes on both feet. My question - what the heck is going on?? What type of dr do I need to see since Kaiser just sends me lab tests and puts diagnosis and results in my on line record and told me this isn t alarming and to change my diet. Ha, my diet is good!