HSV 1 and 2-Specific AB, IgG HSV 1 IgG, Type Spec 52.10 HIGH Negavtive Equivocal 0.91-1.09 Positive 1.09 My ex-wife and I will be seeing each other soon with a possible reconciliation in the future. She wanted me to have a blood test for STD s and I did. The above are the results. It appears I have HSV 1, correct? I have had one sexual partner in my past aside from my former wife. My deep concern is do I have something I can give to her? I have never had any genital sores or mouth sores or any sores ever. My Mom and my brother, during times of stress, often get fever blisters which I think now may be HSV1 as we have been reading a lot of articles on the Internet. I have no doctor and no insurance so you are my link to reassurance for not only myself but to my wife as well. Can you shed some light for us on this subject in easy to understand terms? Thank you very much.