yes I am a 45 year female. I am overweight, loss of menses for several years, it was confirmed that I have polycystic ovarian disease well over 12 years ago, I have had an increase of hair growth on abdomen, and under my chin in recent years.Additionally I have developed hypertention which has been well controlled with medication, and i am pre-diabetic. Also I continue to test low for potassium and am taking a meds to help with this but potassium levels are still too low. Most recently my doctor has tested me for Cushings disease. He had me take a blood test cortsol, serum am. I received the results of that blood test in the mail today with a note from the office stating I need to schedule a visit to discuss the results which were (the reference guide shows 4.0-22.0), but my result was flagged low at 1.1mcg/dl. My doctor is currently on vacation but I am trying to figure out what this means, do you have any answers and can you provide me with some good questions to ask my dr when I see him in a couple weeks.