I am having a very bad morning today, I suffer from anxiety . At the beginging of this year I saw a Nuero and had a MRI done. He called me with results and stated that it was fine, and there was a lession, but it was found in normal patients too. I left it at that, but it has been bugging me especially since my anxiety did not go away and my symptoms I feel are still lingering. So 2 days ago I went to the nuero that ordered my MRI, and I wanted him to go over my results again because I wanted to understand it more, turns out my insurance no longer covers me to see him, I have to see someone else. However I was able to obtian the report. And it says as follows? 1.tiny t2 flair hyperintense foci within the subcortical white matter of the left frontal lobe just above sylvian fissure not associated with mass effect,restricted diffusion, or abnormal enhancement. This focus is nonspecfic and can be seen in normal patients. 2.Otherwise, normal appearance of the brain 3. mild nasal septal deviation BUt I of course googled the terms and this lesions are seen in patients with MS. I took this report to my general dr, and she suggest a second opinion. I am just freaking out here. A normal person would pro read this and think ok I am fine, but me no! My anxiety level has gone up to DEFCON! I still feel the tingleing in my left arm, some muscle weakness.I feel light-head all the time trouble sleeping my eyelide has been twitching for a month. These symptoms are compatible to Anxiety and MS. Can my Nuero be wrong and I do I have MS, it is misdiagnosed a lot??