Hi Doctor - I recently had a brain MRI due to a car accident and - my results Brain MRI report: findings: ventricles are normal size, no mass, mass effect, midline shift, hemorrahage, ischemia or extra axial fluid in collection is present. posterior fossa are normal , normal flow voids are preserved. Intraorbital contents are normal. mild sinus thickening is present. ***MULTIPLE FOCI OF ABNORMAL PERIVENTRICULAR SIGNAL HYPERDENSITY ARE NOTED, SOME ORIENTED PERPENDICULAR TO THE ORIENTATION OF THE VENTRICLES. IMPRESSION: 1) MULTIPLE FOCI OF PERIVENTRICULAR WHITE MATTER SIGNAL HYPERINTENSITY. THE PATTERN RAISES THE POSSIBILITY OF DEMYELINATING DISEASE. EARLY CHRONIC ISCHEMIC CHANGE, VASCULITIS, AND SEQUELA OF MIGRAINE HEADACHES COULD ALSO HAVE THIS APPEARANCE. 2). MILD SINUSITIS. I m a 53 year old female - have had major fatique for years and tingling in hands which I thought poor circulation (which i do have indeed) but really nothing else that I can say screams MS........I have no resources up in my region (one neurolgist for four counties who is over extended so i haven t talked to him but do see him 4/1. All I have is this forum and the internet for the next month and I would love as much input or thought or ideas about this - I m not thin skinned - I just want some ideas of what s going on........I know I won t have definititve answers for months and I ll be going to a big city for a second opinion and all treatment no matter what. Please tell me anytihng you can......... and THANK YOU!!!