What does this mean in plain English?
Cervical vertebral body height and alignment is well-maintained. Disc height is
generally well-maintained other than moderate discogenic degenerative change of C5-6.
Marrow signal is normal. Cervical cord is normal in size, caliber and signal. The
paraspinous soft tissues do not demonstrate any obvious acute findings.
C4-5: Small broad-based disc osteophyte complex without significant central canal or
neural foraminal stenosis.
C5-6: Moderately sized broad-based disc osteophtye complex, asymmetric to the right.
There is a bulky right-sided uncinate spur as well. Significant right lateral recess
stenosis is appreciated. Minor right neural foraminal stenosis. The left neural
foramen is unremarkable.
Remaining cervical levels do not demonstrate any significant disc herniation, central
canal, or neural foraminal stenosis.
Degenerative changes within the mid to lower cervical spine, as detailed level by level