Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
The following conclusions can be drawn based on the
ultrasound report you have furnished.
1. Seedling fibroids
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths of the womb (
uterus). Fibroids range in size from seedlings, undetectable by the human eye, to bulky masses that can distort and enlarge the uterus. It may be of a peanut size, which is small at this stage.
2. Enlarged right ovary of uncertain significance
It means that there is a right ovary enlargement by it is inconclusive to state the cause through ultrasound examination.
These findings may not be the exact cause for your
abdominal pain.
Kindly consult your doctor with the report for clinical evaluation and further management.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.